CUR-Goldwater Scholars Faculty Mentor Award Nominations Process

The Council on Undergraduate Research and the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation Program (Goldwater Program) invite nominations for the CUR-Goldwater Scholars Faculty Mentor Award, which recognizes faculty mentors who conduct their research in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) discipline, as defined by the Goldwater Program, and who have mentored a minimum of three Goldwater Scholars during their career.

Submitting Nominations

The deadline to submit initial nominations is November 15, 2024.

Nominations and materials should be submitted to


Faculty members in STEM disciplines, as defined by the Goldwater Scholars program, who have five or more years of teaching and who have mentored a minimum of three Goldwater Scholars during their career are eligible for the award.


A faculty member must be nominated for the CUR-Goldwater Scholars Faculty Mentor Award by their institution; self-nominations will not be accepted. Institutions can nominate one candidate for the CUR-Goldwater Scholars Faculty Mentor Award per year.

The initial nomination packet should include as original (rather than scanned) PDF files:

  • A letter from the institution’s president or provost highlighting the nominee’s contributions to the mentoring of Goldwater Scholars on the institution’s campus,
  • A three-page curriculum vitae (CV) of the nominee, and
  • A list (minimum of three) of all Goldwater Scholars (Scholars and Honorable Mentions) with whom the nominee has worked that includes each student’s name; year of the Goldwater Scholarship; and an indication of whether the nominee was (1) the sole research mentor, (2) the joint mentor, or (3) a supporter of the student in preparing their Goldwater application only.

A familiarity with past awardees’ accomplishments can be obtained by reviewing CUR-Goldwater Scholars Faculty Mentor Award announcements.

Upon review of these materials, a subset of the nominees will be asked to submit a complete application portfolio. A complete portfolio would include the following in this order:

  • A first-person written narrative (no more than 5 pages) that provides (1) a description of the nominee’s experiences in mentoring undergraduates in research; (2) experiences in mentoring undergraduates in research who have been awarded Goldwater Scholarships, including the names and award years for a minimum of three Goldwater Scholarship recipients; and (3) philosophy of engagement of undergraduates in research.
  • Two letters of reference from current or former Goldwater Scholars whose research has been directly mentored by the faculty member.
  • Two letters of reference from colleagues who have had the opportunity to observe the candidate’s mentorship.
  • A list (minimum of three) of all Goldwater Scholars (Scholars and Honorable Mentions) with whom the nominee has worked that includes each student’s name; year of the Goldwater Scholarship; and an indication of whether the nominee was (1) the sole research mentor, (2) the joint mentor, or (3) a supporter of the student in preparing their Goldwater application only. (Note:  this can be the same list provided with the initial nomination or an updated list, taking into account any Goldwater Scholars (either Scholars or Honorable Mentions) named since the initial portfolio was prepared.)

The letter submitted by the president or provost (which will formally identify the applicant as an institutional nominee), the three-page CV, and the list of Goldwater Scholars will also be used as part of the final application portfolio.  

As the evidentiary basis for identifying successful mentors of undergraduate researchers can take many forms, the following list is meant to be non-inclusive but illustrative of the types of activities that will be considered in the selection process:  

  • Evidence of consistent research and scholarly activity involving undergraduate students in STEM research;
  • Evidence of the impact of the mentors work at their institution with respect to enhancing undergraduate research opportunities and building a pipeline for Goldwater Scholars;
  • Stature as a researcher, as evidenced by a consistent record of peer-reviewed publications and presentations throughout their career (it is recommended that undergraduate researcher authors are highlighted, including any Goldwater Scholars);
  • Record of mentoring undergraduates whose work has led to peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations;
  • Innovative approaches to mentoring undergraduates, including involvement of graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in undergraduate student mentorship;
  • Extramural support for undergraduate research activities through grants, contracts, or fund-raising;
  • Admission of students to postgraduate and professional programs and/or employment in business or industry post-graduation; and
  • Baccalaureate and postgraduate awards, honors, and recognition resulting from a student’s undergraduate research experience with the mentor.

Awardees receive

  • The honor of being nationally recognized as a CUR-Goldwater Scholars Faculty Mentor
  • In addition, $5000 will be awarded to the recipient’s institution and dedicated to support of the faculty mentor’s research program and/or current undergraduate researchers.

Award Announcement and Presentation

Awardees are honored at CUR’s online Award Celebration Ceremony on June 10, 2025. 

Please note that all CUR award recipients are responsible for any and all applicable tax obligations associated with receipt of the award.

Questions may be addressed to Lindsay Currie.