Undergraduate Research Programs Division

Who are we?

Undergraduate Research Program Division Chair: David SalomonChristopher Newport University

The Undergraduate Research Program Division (URPD) serves and supports the need of faculty and administrators who direct UR programs on their campuses. Our membership includes directors of new and established programs at diverse institutions, programs that encompass a wide variety of disciplines from the sciences to the performing arts, and programs across traditional academic boundaries. This Division promotes networking amongst Directors in order to share ideas and resources, disseminate best practices, and organize workshops and Institutes. The Division also sponsors a CUR Affinity Group to support the work of members who wish to remain within the disciplinary Division in CUR but would like to benefit from the work of the URP Division.

URP Representatives at ConnectUR 2024

Division Activities

The Undergraduate Research Program Division (URPD) serves and supports the need of faculty and administrators who direct UR programs on their campuses.