Divisions – Social Sciences Undergraduate Conference Awards

The Social Sciences Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) is offering a limited number of grants, up to $400 each, for undergraduate students presenting the results of research that they have conducted at a national or international, discipline-specific meeting (in person or virtually) during the academic year 2024-2025.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Undergraduate students at any level can apply, but preference will be given to students attending two-year community colleges, and third- and fourth-year undergraduates. 
  • Either the student’s mentor must be a CUR member, or the student’s home institution must be a CUR institutional member. 
  • Student must be engaged in research in the social sciences, defined by the Economic and Social Research Council as research concerned with the “study of society and the manner in which people behave and influence the world around us” and utilizing empirical, quantitative, and/or qualitative methods.
  • Undergraduate students from underrepresented backgrounds, such as first-generation and non-traditional students, identifying women, members of the LQBTQ+, BIPOC and minority population students, are encouraged to apply.
  • Awards for group projects will be awarded to the primary author and are expected to be shared among all the group members.

Application materials

  • An electronic copy of the meeting abstract, including the title of the project, identification of the primary student author, faculty mentor, and institution. If the abstract is written in highly technical terms, the applicant may also submit a brief (maximum 500 words) summary of the work written for an audience consisting of social scientists from a wide range of disciplines.  The abstract should clearly note the study’s research question(s), methods, and significance.
  • Proof of acceptance to the discipline-specific meeting.
  • An estimate of meeting expenses. Examples include, but are not limited to,  registration fees, travel, and lodging.
  • A 200-word statement describing how this award would help accomplish the Division’s goal of expanding opportunities for undergraduate research, such as facilitating the participation of traditionally underrepresented student groups or students from institutions not traditionally associated with undergraduate research.
  • Faculty mentors will be required to acknowledge the applicant’s enrollment as an undergraduate student and confirmation of the faculty mentor’s CUR individual/institutional membership.
  • Acceptance and confirmation letters must be emailed to cur@cur.org

Deadlines and Selection Criteria

There are two deadlines: All applications for Fall 2024 conferences will be accepted until October 31, 2024. Awardees will be notified of acceptance in early December. All applications for Spring 2025 conferences will be accepted until April 20, 2025. Only one award will be granted per institution. Two awards per semester will be awarded.

If Selected

Award recipients are required to acknowledge CUR in their talk or poster.  After the meeting, the student is expected to submit a brief report about the experience (including a photo, if possible), which will be used for media releases. 

All CUR award recipients are responsible for any and all applicable tax obligations associated with receipt of the award.

All students, faculty, mentors, organizations, and institutions honored with becoming a part of the CUR award recipient community have the professional and ethical responsibility to maintain the highest professional conduct standards and embody the CUR Code of Ethics for Undergraduate Research in words, actions, and deeds. In addition, all participants are expected to abide by the CUR Code of Conduct. Expectations for awardees are to show courtesy and civility in both their personal and professional communications while forever representing CUR and the distinguished honor of the specific award rewarded. One must conduct oneself in a manner both professional and ethical.


Please contact Leslie Cecil at cecillg@sfasu.edu.

Social Sciences Undergraduate Conference Award Recipients