
Sign up for the CUR Newsletter
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Upcoming Events
Featured Event:
National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) 2025
April 07-09, 2025
The National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) is dedicated to promoting undergraduate research, scholarship and creative activity in all fields of study by sponsoring an annual conference for students. NCUR 2025 will take place in Pittsburgh, PA.
Sep 25
Perspectives on Excellence in Undergraduate Research from Four Engineering Division Leadership and Mentorship Award Winners
September 25, 2024
The CUR Engineering Division invites the undergraduate research community to attend and draw on the expertise from four of the CUR Engineering Division Leadership and Mentorship award winners: Beena Ajmera (2022), Heather Dillon (2024),  Ala Qattawi (2024), and Rana Zakerzadeh (2023). Each awardee will present for a few minutes on their approach to undergraduate research, followed by a Q&A panel discussion.
Sep 30
SPUR Virtual Office Hours with Patricia A. Mabrouk, SPUR Editor-in-Chief
September 30, 2024
Do you have an idea for a communication or full paper, and would you like to explore its fit with SPUR? Or perhaps you have an idea for a proposal for a themed issue that you would like to champion? Maybe you would like to offer feedback on your experiences as a reader, author, or reviewer for SPUR? Whatever your questions, comments, ideas, or concerns, we would love to hear from you. Join us for virtual office hours with Patricia A. Mabrouk, SPUR’s Editor-in-Chief at 1 – 2 PM ET on Monday, September 30, 2024.
Oct 18
Community Hour: An Online Gathering for CUR Members hosted by the CUR DEI Committee
October 18, 2024
Feeling disconnected? The DEI Committee invites all CUR members to build community together. In this informal virtual meeting, participants will learn about ways to stay connected with CUR throughout the year, and members of the DEI Committee will host smaller “connection rooms” to meet colleagues and explore collaborative opportunities.

Some of Our Institutional Members